Houston Texas Rescheck and Manual J
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
One of the most progressive cities in the United States for requiring Rescheck and Manual J reports for every new construction, addition, and alteration is the city of Houston, Texas. Today we will look at some of the ways to make sure your Houston Texas Manual J or Rescheck is accepted the first time.
Use the correct building code. Everytime you complete a Rescheck or manual J in Houston Texas you are going to need to use the IECC 2015 building code. Anything different and you will be required to resubmit after your project’s Rescheck or manual is corrected to include the correct building code.
Create your manual J reports and Reschecks using the correct software. The Department of Energy has created an amazing software called Rescheck Web that you will need to use to create your Rescheck. For the manual J it is a little more wide open. Several companies have create proprietary software and it is still possible to do the manual J report by hand if you have the right math skills and worksheets.
Consider these reports as the most important part of your project. A common way to operate when filing for permits is to file everything, but “wait until they ask” for the energy reports. In Houston in particular you really need to submit these reports with the initial building permit application or your project will be red flagged immediately and sent back to square one.
Overall if you plan to build in Houston or anywhere in the immediate area you should go ahead and plan on submitting a Rescheck and manual J report. You have the option of creating it yourself or you can hire us to create it for you. The advantage you have by letting handle your Houston Rescheck and manual J is that we have created hundreds for the city and we are very familiar with the intricate details that the city requires to pass the energy side of your project. The most important advantages we have are that we can create your report in about 4-6 hours, we only charge $79 for a Rescheck or manual J, (or you can get both for a discounted combo pack price of $129). Finally we operate 24 hours a days a week so you can email your plans to anytime, we will complete your project, and send you back a synopsis of your project along with an invoice.
We can also provide an affordable Manual S, Manual J, and Manual D for Houston Texas. Simply email plans to
Download the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Desktop here. Rescheck Desktop Download.
Here is quick link to the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Web Rescheck Creation Page
To order your Rescheck you can visit this link. Order a Rescheck Energy Report here.