
This is a simple list of Rescheck instructions in the form of a Rescheck checklist. For the analytical type energy auditors I put together a simple list of instructions to complete your first Rescheck.  Just check off item by item and your Rescheck will be ready quickly.

The author of this blog post is Jobe Leonard.  He wrote it for and the Reschexpert blog.  A pastime of his is helping others with Rescheck tutorials.

Jobe Leonard

Jobe Leonard

For the analytical type energy auditors I put together a simple list of instructions to complete your first Rescheck.  Just check off item by item and your Rescheck will be ready quickly.

Print Full Size PDF of plans


Obtain project basics from plans. Jobsite Address, Customer Name, Architect Name, Square ft, etc

Choose the correct building code for your project.

Go to Envelope page.

From your plans obtain Sq ft of ceiling and R Value. Enter into software

From plans measure your N, S, E, W walls and their R Values. Enter them into software.

From plans measure your N, S, E W windows and their U Values and SHGC. Enter them into software

From plans measure your N, S, E, W door and their U Values. Enter them into software.

Determine foundation type. (Slab, Subfloor, or Crawl/Basement wall) Enter measurement and R Value

Click “Compliance Check” Pass or Fail will be provided.

Go to “Compliance” tab and fill in each of the sections.

Go to the “Systems” tab and fill in each of the sections

Click Save.

Click Print.

Sign Report and submit for permitting.

Rescheck Services

Download the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Desktop here.  Rescheck Desktop Download.

Here is quick link to the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Web Rescheck Creation Page

To order your Rescheck you can visit this link.  Order a Rescheck Energy Report here.

Related Links:

Rescheck Report for Additions

Entering data into Rescheck Web, Rescheck Desktop Basic Tutorial

Free Rescheck Web Is Online (Printable PDF)

Zero Energy Ready Home




Simple Instructions to Complete a Rescheck
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Simple Instructions to Complete a Rescheck
Simple Instructions to Complete a Rescheck
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