Comcheck Web Quick Link

Comcheck Desktop Quick Link

Rescheck Web Quick Link

Rescheck Desktop Quick Link


Today on the Reschexpert blog we wanted to talk to you about the most recent outage of Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web.  We derived that it might have been routine maintenance because it happened on a weekend and near a holiday.  Possibly some type of routine server maintenance but the actual reason can not be sure.  What we do know is that as of 3:00 pm today Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web are both back up.

Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web Back Online

Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web Back Online

What this means that if you were waiting over the weekend to process IECC 2018 Reschecks and IECC 2018 Comchecks you can now log on and get them created.  If you were using Rescheck Desktop instead of the cloud based version you can now fully swap back over to the online Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web versions.

If you need to get a Rescheck or Comcheck created you can email plans to and we will get you taken care of.  Thanks again for reading the Reschexpert blog and good luck using the freshly back online Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web.


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Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web Back Online
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