Today on the Reschexpert blog I want to talk to you about Rescheck Services and what they are. Thanks for reading the Reschexpert blog and I hope you enjoy this discussion.
When you go to complete a Rescheck you have a choice of using Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop depending on the IECC code and personal preference. You also have the option of allowing your architect, your builder, yourself, or a Rescheck Service create your Rescheck.
When your engineer, contractor, or yourself controls the Rescheck you control the entire process. Including changes and modifications if the building department tells you that your Rescheck was created incorrectly.
When you use a Rescheck Service like we handle the entire Rescheck process for you. You simply submit your plans, jobsite address, and square footage and we will print off a full size set of plans and start on your Rescheck calculations promplty. In about 4-6 hours you have your Rescheck ready to submit to your building inspector for permit. If at a later time you need modifications to your Rescheck will handle those free of charge. Be aware of other Rescheck services as many of the charge as much as $100 just to change your Rescheck after it has been delivered. At we handle these modifications for free.
A Rescheck service can save you plenty of time and money as the hardest thing about learning Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop softwares is that you must invest hours of time to create the reports properly. We estimate that it takes 10-14 hours for a new user to create their first Rescheck so if you have that amount time, then go for it. If your time is better spent managing crew, budget, and the construction process then the $79 to hire as your Rescheck Service Provider will be the easiest portion of your entire construction project.
Thanks for reading the Reschexpert blog. If you have a Rescheck that needs completed email us plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.