Preliminary Residential Energy Savings from IECC 2021 Energy Code Might Shock You

The newest release from the Department of Energy on the IECC 2021 has been on our minds ever since the release of the statement. At the Reschexpert blog we try to keep up to date on all the latest energy code findings for home energy audit creators, architects, engineers, homeowners and contractors.

One important note is that the IECC 2021 is not available in Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop. We do not have a preliminary estimate as to when they will launch, and will just leave the guessing to others. We will let you know when the IECC 2021 Rescheck is available, but with many states just now modifying to IECC 2015 Reschecks or IECC 2018 Reschecks we suspect it will be even longer before a IECC 2021 Rescheck is needed. That will not stop us from comparing Reschecks side by side upon the launch to see how the codes stack up to existing IECC Reschecks.

Sample IECC 2021 Rescheck

The DOE has deterimed that the preliminary savings of IECC 2021 on residential homes, is as follows:

  • 9.38 percent site energy

  • 8.79 percent source energy

  • 8.66 percent energy cost

  • 8.66 percent carbon emissions

These are very large percentage savings and with current events like pipeline lockups, grid failures during Texas ice storms, increasing cost of construction, and large scale energy code and Rescheck adoption we see these as some of the largest home energy audit increases in the history of the practice.

Follow and the Reschexpert blog as we track IECC 2021 launch dates and the Department of Energy’s fantastic studies, products, and resources. If you need a Rescheck, we can help. Email plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.

IECC 2021 Rescheck

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Residential Energy Savings from IECC 2021 Rescheck Shocking
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Residential Energy Savings from IECC 2021 Rescheck Shocking
Residential Energy Savings from IECC 2021 Rescheck Shocking
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