State of Texas Rescheck

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss a state that has seen many changes over the years as to how Reschecks are created. From IECC 2009 to IECC 2015 and now many cities requiring IECC 2018 and IECC 2021. Energy codes in Texas are constantly changing and as one of the largest states requiring Rescheck energy reports on every new construction, addition, or alteration there are many reasons to keep abreast of the upcoming changes. At Reschexpert blog that is what we do.

Inflation Reduction Act

The Inflation Reduction Act is new for this year and will have a huge impact on Texas and Texas construction projects. There is money in the bill for all types of home efficiency improvements. From HVAC systems, to winddows and doors, and all the way down to home energy audits. There is not a single area of Texas construction that is not affected by this bill. We are waiting to see how the details shake out and we will no doubt keep you updated.

Inflation Reduction Act Home Energy Audit


IECC 2018

Texas as a state requires IECC 2015 officially but many areas have gone above and beyond to require IECC 2018 for their Rescheck reports. We estimate approximately 39.2% of Texas is now on the IECC 2018 which means a large portion of the state has went beyond the stipulated energy code for the construction projects it inspects.

DOE Continued Support for IECC 2018 in REScheck Web

IECC 2021

One step above the over achieving cities using IECC 2018 and the state mandated IECC 2015 is the many areas of Texas that have crossed the IECC 2021 Rescheck threshold. IECC 2021 Reschecks are still somewhat new and we see about 8% of Texas cities using this relatively new code to inspect the energy side of their construction projects.

Sample IECC 2021 Rescheck


Slab Insulation

Any builder in Texas will tell you that insulating the slab is something that is never done. Last year the Department of Energy made slab insulation in certain climate zones non negotiable. This means that it is a pass or fail item, and they no longer allow you to add more insulation to roof, walls, or windows to compensate for missing slab insulation. What this means is that some areas in Texas now have mandatory slab insulation. This will no doubt result in changes to the way people have done things for decades, maybe centuries.

Texas is a large state with a diverse population, climate zones, and building styles. These are just a few items we see on a daily basis affecting Reschecks within the state of Texas. There are no doubt other variables that pop up on a daily basis that we deal with as they arise. When we see something we will say something on the Reschexpert blog. If you need a Texas Rescheck or Rescheck from any other state created we can do it for you. Email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.

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