Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to continue a story we started last week. We do not own Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop. We are end users of Rescheck software and when we spot something interesting within the software we like to share it with our blog readers free of charge. Today the Department of Energy’s Rescheck Web website shows “Page Not Found”.
What does Rescheck Web Page Not Found mean?
Last week we noticed a PDF print error within the Rescheck Web software.
This is purely speculation but we see this as a tell tale sign the the Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest Laboratory server might have been in need of a reset, restart, software upgrade, or routine maintenance. As soon as they got to a weekend when theoretically there would be less Rescheck Web users online, they decided to upgrade it.
We first noticed this latest outage on Saturday morning. So this outage has lasted a bit longer than the typical 12-18 upgrade cycle. However, nothing to worry about I fully expect the Rescheck Web to be back online today sometime.
What can you do in the meantime. Here is a quick list:
Use Rescheck Desktop instead
Wait until Rescheck Web comes back online. It typically takes 12-18 hours for these outages to resolve so I would expect full Rescheck Web functionality to return fairly soon.
Go ahead and make all your calculations like your normally would then as soon as Rescheck Web comes back online you should be able to immediately generate your Rescheck on Rescheck Web.
Also we will keep you posted on the Reschexpert blog as soon as Rescheck Web returns to full functionality. If you need a Rescheck we offer them. Please email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.