Since Comcheck Web and Rescheck Web are used for two different types of projects it is difficult to pick a winner. As you can see the from the comparison above, Comcheck Web and Rescheck Web do many of the same things. Comcheck works on commercial and high rise structures. Rescheck works on residential and low rise structures.
Published by and Reschexpert blog’s Jobe Leonard a follower of both Comcheck and Rescheck.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Web vs Comcheck Web (Free Download)
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to pit two of the kings of energy auditing software against each other. It is not every day on just any blog that you would see two heavyweights like Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web going up against each other head to head in a battle royal. The Reschexpert has decided to bring it to you today, so here we go.
Rescheck Web Introduction: Rescheck Web is used primarily for new residential homes, residential home additions, residential home alterations. It can also be used on many low rise structures of 3 stories above grade, or less. Rescheck Web is an internet based residential home energy auditing computer program that eases the process of allowing each party involved in the construction of a project to understand the energy efficiency of a project in the climate zone it is being constructed. It includes all the IECC codes and many state specific energy codes. Your building inspector, contractor, subcontractors, architect, and the homeowner can all understand the insulation needs of a structure by having a simple report that explains the home’s insulation in detail. Rescheck Web allows tradeoffs in the calculations so if the windows are less efficient than required in a climate zone, you may be able to upgrade the wall or ceiling insulation. Only in certain instances.
Rescheck Web Advantages:
You can Use Rescheck Web anywhere there is an internet connection
You do not have to have install Rescheck Web on your hard drive as it operates on the cloud
You can easily share projects with others quickly, even if they live far away
IECC Energy Codes and State Energy codes in Rescheck Web are in a constant state of automatic upgrade so you get access to all the latest and greatest energy code changes instantly when they happen.
Rescheck Web is password protected so you can make a secure password to keep your .rxl and .rck files securely protected.
Rescheck web is fast and the Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest Laboratory routinely perform maintenance to keep it running smoothly.
Now let’s look at Comcheck Web: Comcheck Web is used for commercial structures. It can be used on new commercial structures, commercial additions, and commercial alterations. Comcheck Web can be utilized to check if these commercial structures meet IECC, ASHRAE 90.1, and other state specific codes. It provides an instant check of the insulation envelope, interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical systems and provides a detailed report. It allows your building inspector, energy auditors, and building officials to make fast and honest determinations as to whether commercial or high rise structures meet the local codes.
Comcheck Web advantages:
You can Use Comcheck Web anywhere there is an internet connection
You do not have to have install Comcheck Web on your hard drive as it operates on the cloud
You can easily share projects with others quickly, even if they live far away
Comcheck Web has many more codes that Rescheck Web because commercial energy codes are more abundant and differing than residential energy codes.
ASHRAE 90.1, IECC Energy Codes and State Energy codes in Comcheck Web are in a constant state of automatic upgrade so you get access to all the latest and greatest energy code changes instantly when they happen.
Comcheck Web is password protected so you can make a secure password to keep your .cxl and .cck files securely protected.
Comcheck Web is fast and the Department of Energy and Pacific Northwest Laboratory routinely perform maintenance to keep it running smoothly.
Comcheck Web handles insulation envelope, interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical.
Since Comcheck Web and Rescheck Web are used for two different types of projects it is difficult to pick a winner. As you can see the from the comparison above, Comcheck Web and Rescheck Web do many of the same things. Comcheck works on commercial and high rise structures. Rescheck works on residential and low rise structures. The main advantages to to Comcheck Web because it includes more energy codes. Codes like the array of ASHRAE 90.1 for commercial structures give Comcheck Web an advantage. After that the main difference is that Comcheck looks at more areas of a structure. By including interior lighting, exterior lighting, and mechanical it allows Comcheck Web to win this comparison. However it should be noted that the reports are not interchangeable. If your construction project is residential and requires a Rescheck then a Comcheck will not be able to be used. If your construction project is commercial and requires a Comcheck then a Rescheck will not be allows. There are some grey areas where a certain building official or building department may require a Comcheck in place of Rescheck, or vice versa, but this is vary rare and dealt with on a case by case basis. Overall Comcheck Web with more energy codes, and more analysis parameters takes the win of Rescheck Web versus Comcheck Web.
Thanks for reading our in depth analysis of Comcheck Web vs Rescheck Web. We hope you enjoy our Rescheck and Comcheck programming and we look forward to helping with your energy code permitting needs. If you have a project that needs a Rescheck from Rescheck Web or a Comcheck from Comcheck Web you can simply email us PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will print your plans and get started. Thank you again for taking the time to read.
Free Rescheck Online Versus Free Comcheck Online PDF