Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss some simple tips to improve the amount of time it takes you to complete a Rescheck. Doing Reschecks for others we notice some simple things that make our process each easier on each report we complete. Having the right mindset, skills, plan, and equipment can make all the difference on any construction task, and Rescheck reporting is no different. Follow our Rescheck blog post on 5 Tactics That Work on Every Rescheck.
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
5 Tactics That Work on Every Rescheck
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss some simple tips to improve the amount of time it takes you to complete a Rescheck. Doing Reschecks for others we notice some simple things that make our process each easier on each report we complete. Having the right mindset, skills, plan, and equipment can make all the difference on any construction task, and Rescheck reporting is no different. Follow our Rescheck blog post on 5 Tactics That Work on Every Rescheck.
Paper Plans for Rescheck:
The best way to start any Rescheck is with a full size set of paper plans. Go to the office supply store and have a full size set of plants printed off. If you are completing more than 2 or 3 Reschecks per day as a Rescheck service then investing in your own blueprint plotter is paramount before buying anything else. Paper plans help you take notes, keep records, and see each of the smallest details that architects, engineers, and contractors have planned. The miniature details will be transferred from your plans and into Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop software so having them correct from the start will make your entire Rescheck go smoothly.
Good Computer for Calculating Rescheck:
Having your computer in great shape when you start a Rescheck will save you plenty of headaches. You do not need the fastest computer to complete a Rescheck, however it can help. Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop are pretty light weight softwares when it comes down the stress they place on your actual CPU, Modem, RAM, and processors. However, even the fittest software program cannot run if your computer is bogged down, short on memory, or has 100 different browser windows open. I suggest a full restart of your computer (as a minimum) before starting any Rescheck. This allows you to clear any open windows that might confuse you and cause inaccurate information.
Also if you work in a dusty location like a jobsite or a sawmill then cleaning out your laptop or desktop computer’s case, vents, and fans with a can of duster can do wonders. Allowing your Rescheck creation computer to cool itself the way the cooling system as designed by removing foreign dust and particle is the recipe for speeding up your processor. This will easily allow your laptop or desktop run like new again. Easing the completion of your online Rescheck PDFs using Rescheck Web. Also offline Reschecks using Rescheck Desktop quickly and efficiently by keeping the computer you create Reschecks on clean and well maintained.
Insulation R Value for Rescheck:
It is a great idea to have some kind of plan as to what your R values will be for your new construction, addition, or alteration before beginning your Rescheck process. There will be 3 areas that typically need an insulation with an R value on your Rescheck Report. These are your roof system, wall system, and foundation. Having a basic idea of what you will use for these insulation values can save you time when completing your Rescheck. Even if you just have a rough idea what the R value will be then Rescheck uses trade-offs so you can adjust the final amount you install as you calculate your Rescheck. A typical R value for Rescheck roof insulation starts at R-30 and goes up to R-49 and above. A typical wall system R value in Rescheck starts at R-13 and goes up to R-21 and sometimes above. A foundation that is an insulated slab starts at R-10 in areas where required. Many Rescheck slabs in warmer climate area require an R value of 0 or no insulation at all. A foundation wall like a basement or crawl space would have similar R values as the above ground walls system. A subfloor foundation would start at R-19 and go all the way up to R-49 in the harshest climate zones.
Window U Value and SHGC on Rescheck:
Do not purchase a window package without knowing that it will pass your Rescheck. Certain states have maximum U Values and SHGC that a window or glazed door can have. In terms of SHGC and U Values the lower number, the more efficient. If you U Value or SHGC entered into Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop is too high, the project will automatically fail. There is no trade-offs for this type of failure in Rescheck. Having an idea of what your U Value and SHGC are for Rescheck is great idea so that you can complete your project with a window and glazed door system that follows IECC energy code, State specific energy codes, and your state’s regulations.
Jobsite Address and Square Footage on Rescheck:
This may seem obvious, but everyday we receive plans with no jobsite address, and no dimensions or square footage. The address of your project is important in Rescheck, because we compare your insulation envelope to the climate where your home is being built. If you have not been assigned one yet, then a city and state is necessary as a minimum. We can also look up your IP address from the email you sent to give us an idea of where the project is coming from, but the more accurate thing is to provide a jobsite address on every Rescheck. Square footage is the other item every plan needs. This will be used on everything from subcontractor estimates to your jurisdictions permit and tax basis. Putting a clear and accurate square footage on the plans keeps you from being overcharged at all turning points on your project.
Overall obtaining paper plans, a good computer, insulation R value information, SHGC, Uvalue, jobsite address, and square footage are the best tactics you can use to complete a Rescheck quickly and accurately. If you need a Rescheck calculated for you in 4-6 hours we charge $79 for any size plan. Just email me PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage and we will use our Rescheck tactics to get your Rescheck handled quickly, efficiently, and for an industry low cost.