
What are the 5 different options for Slab insulation in Rescheck Software? We see many people who have questions about the slab insulation on a Rescheck. Especially, since slab insulation was made mandatory in the required climate zones last year. That means that you can no longer increase the insulation in your ceiling, walls, windows, and doors to compensate for an uninsulated slab in locations where insulation is required. So everyone wants to know what are the options that I can use for insulating my slab and which one is best if my slab is already poured and I forgot to insulate.

This Reschexpert blog post was composed by Jobe Leonard for  Jobe Leonard is a big of the different types of slab insulation and how they relate to Rescheck reporting.

Jobe Leonard

Jobe Leonard


What are the 5 different options for Slab insulation in Rescheck Software? We see many people who have questions about the slab insulation on a Rescheck. Especially, since slab insulation was made mandatory in the required climate zones last year. That means that you can no longer increase the insulation in your ceiling, walls, windows, and doors to compensate for an uninsulated slab in locations where insulation is required. So everyone wants to know what are the options that I can use for insulating my slab and which one is best if my slab is already poured and I forgot to insulate.

Red Rescheck Slab Warning Message Rescheck Web

This is how I interpret these options moving from the upper left of the graphic to the lower right.

Slab Insulation Rescheck

Slab Insulation Rescheck

Option 1: You would need to include this A + B insulation before the slab was poured. One piece of insulation goes vertical and a longer one horizontal. Add the A + B to give you your insulation depth.

Option 2: This is maybe the best option for someone who poured the slab before doing the Rescheck. You can take the A portion vertical and then go horizontal with B piece to equal the depth required by code. After inspection you could backfill and cover.

Option 3: As simple as it gets, go straight vertical as far down as you need to go. This slab shows no footer. You can add this slab insulation option after pouring the slab.

Option 4: Go straight down to the footer as long as your footer is deep enough this is simple as well. This could be added after the slab is poured as well.

Option 5: This goes inside of the slab vertically and would need to be added before the slab is poured. The insulation could also act as an expansion groove. This requires pre-planning.

How do you add a slab to a Rescheck?

So there you have it. These are the 5 options straight from the Rescheck Web software that you can choose from to insulate your slab if you are building a new home that requires a Rescheck in a mandatory slab insulation climate zone. If you need help sorting out the depth and orientation of your slab insulation on a project email us pdf of your plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.


How a slab is entered in REScheck

Free Rescheck Slab Insulation Options PDF



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