
3 Essentitals for Spray Foam Reschecks

As spray foam becomes more popular insulating homes so does the instance of using spray foam on a Rescheck report. Rescheck is a software that is free from the DOE or Department of Energy. You can use it for free to create a Rescheck Report for your Spray Foam home. Now that you know you know that you can use either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop to create a Rescheck report free online, what are some other things you need to consider.

Jobe Leonard wrote this article for and the Reschexpert blog.  He is a Rescheck and Spray foam enthusiast.

Jobe Leonard

Jobe Leonard

3 Essentials for Spray Foam Reschecks

As spray foam becomes more popular insulating homes so does the instance of using spray foam on a Rescheck report. Rescheck reports are created with a software that is free from the DOE or Department of Energy. You can use it for free to create a Rescheck Report for your Spray Foam home. Now that you know you know that you can use either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop to create a Rescheck report free online, what are some other things you need to consider.

What is the R value per inch of your spray foam? It is good to know that your spray foam installer installed 10” of spray foam insulation.  However, the most important part of the equation is, what is the R value per inch of your spray foam insulation?  You see when entering your spray foam data into Rescheck software the inputs in Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop ask for the total R value. Spray foams can vary from R-3 per inch to R-8 per inch.  Knowing which insulation was installed, and what the R value of your spray foam insulation for Rescheck  is paramount.  A 10” installation of R-3 open cell spray foam would give you an R-30 roof system. A 10” installation of R-8 closed cell foam would give you an R-80 roof system. This is a huge difference. I suggest that when you are collecting your spray foam quotes that you get the total inches to be installed and the R value per inch in writing on your proposal. Then you can have this quote, and information readily available when you go to create your Spray Foam Rescheck.

Using Rescheck for Spray Foam House

Are you using Open Cell Spray Foam, Closed Cell Spray Foam, or a combination of both? We have already discussed the importance of knowing the R value per inch of the spray foam being installed when it comes to your Rescheck. The next thing you want to know is what type of spray foam insulation will be installed and where. Below are some sample scenarios of how open cell and closed cell spray foam might be mixed and matched when insulating your renovation, addition, or new home construction.

Rescheck Spray Foam Example 1:

Roof System: Closed Cell 6” R8 per inch R48 total R value

Wall System: Closed Cell 3” R8 per inch R24 total R value

Subfloor: Closed Cell 4” R8 per inch R32 total R value

That is an example using the top rated closed cell spray foam in your ceiling, walls, and subfloor when creating your Rescheck energy report.

Rescheck Spray Foam Example 2:

Roof System: Open Cell 10” R4 per inch R40 total R value

Wall System: Open Cell 3.5” R4 per inch R14 total R value

Subfloor: Open Cell 7.5” R4 per inch R30 total R value

This is an example of using all open cell spray foam that is rated at R4 per inch on the ceiling, walls, and subfloor of your home. Take note how many more inches of foam are required to reach a number that still does not meet or exceed the R value rating of the closed cell insulation in example 1.

Rescheck Spray Foam Example 3:

Roof System: Closed Cell 5” R8 per inch R40 total R value

Wall System: Open Cell 5” R4 per inch R20 total R value

Subfloor: Open Cell 8” R4 per inch R32 total R value

This version uses the both types of spray foam insulation and includes both open cell and closed cell spray foam for the Rescheck. To complete a home like this you would need a spray foam installer that had access and experience installing both types of spray foam insulation. Some times installers will only install one or the other. The other option is to work with 2 separate spray foam installation companies. You could have the closed cell company do the roof system, and the open cell company do the walls and subfloor. It all depends on how many subcontractors you are comfortable to manage on your jobsite.

7 Things to Know Before you Start Rescheck

What is the final cost? When deciding how to insulate your home you will probably look at three different options in regards to your Rescheck. Closed cell spray foam, open cell spray foam, and fiberglass batt insulation. The key to each of these insulation types is the R value. In regards to Rescheck the R value of the insulation component is what you will enter into Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop to determine your spray foam Rescheck. If you need an R30 roof system to pass Rescheck in your climate zone then the actual material used becomes immaterial. You can insulate with whatever component you wish as long as it meets the R30 requirement shown in the Department of Energy’s Rescheck software. So if you require an R30 roof system, you should probably look at the cost of material and installation for fiberglass batts, closed cell spray foam, and open cell spray foam. Do not get caught up in all the salesman talk about how great one material is over the other. The truth is that each of the components have already been rated with an R value and the R30 in Rescheck equals R 30 whether you are using one type of Rescheck Insulation or another, with no favorites being chosen.

Overall, spray foam is a great option for any Rescheck. When you create your next Rescheck using Spray foam be sure to consider the R value per inch, type of spray foam, and the final cost of material and installation when choosing how to create your spray foam Rescheck for your home. If you need a spray foam Rescheck created for you simply email us a PDF plan, jobsite address, square footage, the R value per inch of spray foam, and the number of inches used. We will create your Spray Foam Rescheck in about 4-6 hours for $79. Our email is go ahead and send your information now and we will get you taken care of.

Free Spray Foam Rescheck Essentials PDF


Rescheck Energy Report



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Spray Foam Rescheck
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Spray Foam Insulation Rescheck Software