Rescheck Web is Back online
Rescheck Web is Back online
Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard
Rescheck Web (the online home energy auditing suite) is back and is up and Running Again.
We’re thrilled to announce that Rescheck Web is back online and operational after a 24-hour maintenance. We understand the frustration caused by this downtime, because it affects us and every DIY Rescheck user around the United States, Mexico, and Canada. At the same time we are thankful that the Department of Energy, Pacific Northwest Laboratory, and Office of Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy take such good care of their software programs.
We are currently running sample projects to see what updates we can notice with today’s version of Rescheck Web after this 24 hour maintenance period.
Historical review and study of Rescheck Web Outages, Updates, and Maintenance Periods:
Here are 4 steps you can take during an Rescheck Web Outage to help maintain your ability to create Rescheck reports:
- Download Rescheck Desktop, which will work offline even when Rescheck Web is down
- Do the calculations by hand and then transcribe them into Rescheck Web when it comes back up
- Get the Reschecks done before the outage. We warned you on the Reschexpert blog that we noticed a red warning label in Rescheck Web announcing the upcoming outage. Stay tuned to the Reschexpert blog for viable Rescheck Web Live News.
4. Just wait. The update was 24 hours over a weekend. If you have the time, you can just wait for the entire update to take place and then start your work on Rescheck Web.
Thanks so much for reading the Reschexpert blog and letting us be a part of your Rescheck Web Maintenance News. If you need a Rescheck then email PDF plans, jobsite address and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.