
Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is Now Live after Update

Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is Now Live after Update

Published by Jobe Leonard of and the Reschexpert blog. Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares for creating Reschecks, Comchecks, and Manual Js.

Jobe Leonard

Jobe Leonard

After doing hourly checks on the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web software we can now tell you that Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is back online and has full functionality. We had kept our DIY Rescheck creators and Rescheck Web at homes users up to date on this planned maintenance period and having Rescheck Web back as a resource for Rescheck reporting after such a lengthy outage is nice.

Some thing we learned about Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web during this Rescheck and Comcheck outage are the following:

Simple Instructions to Complete a Rescheck

You can not always rely on Rescheck Desktop and Comcheck Desktop to create all your Rescheck and Comcheck reports. Rescheck Desktop and Comcheck Desktop is one option when Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is down. However it lacks key codes for Rescheck and Comcheck like IECC 2018 and IECC 2021. It experiences compatibility issues between versions. Also it can be easier to lose the PDF of the Rescheck or Comcheck you printed because you must click “Save As” and save the Rescheck after signing it or the Rescheck will disappear and you will have to print and sign it again.

Rescheck and Comcheck Software updates can last longer than 12-18 hours. This particular outage was slated to last 5 days. In the past we have seen 95% of the maintenance periods last in the 12-18 hour range. When we first noticed the red warning message in Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web early last week our initial thought that the software would be down intermittently over a 5 day period. What we actually experienced during this update is that the software was taken completely down at the end of day 1. During day 2, 3, and 4 the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web software had zero functionality and took you to “Page Down” landing page. On Day 5 we noticed the Rescheck Web software reappear about noon. So in total this Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web outage lasted approximately 80 hours. This is above the average amount of time, but not unreasonable when you think about the scope and reach of this very advanced home energy auditing software.

Free Rescheck Web Is Online (Printable PDF)

We are continuing to poke around the Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web software to see what was updated. So far we have not found any new codes or major changes, but I am sure there is an Easter egg somewhere. We will let you know as soon as we notice it.

Manual J Residential Load Calculation

In the meantime, we are working to get caught up on Rescheck reports that require codes that were not available during the outage like IECC 2021 and IECC 2018 Reschecks and Comchecks. If you need a Rescheck or Comcheck you can email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get your reports created.

Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is Now Live after Update
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Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is Now Live after Update
Rescheck Web and Comcheck Web is Now Live after Update
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