
Rescheck PDF

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss an important format in the Rescheck world. This format is called a PDF. There are many reasons why this is the preferred format for your Rescheck. The PDF has streamlined the Rescheck process so that people save time and money on each Rescheck that they create. Today we will discuss in depth, the Rescheck PDF.

Rescheck PDF

Penned by Jobe Leonard from who is an admirer of all who do Reschecks.

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss an important format in the Rescheck world. This format is called a PDF. There are many reasons why this is the preferred format for your Rescheck. The PDF has streamlined the Rescheck process so that people save time and money on each Rescheck that they create. Today we will discuss in depth, the Rescheck PDF.

First let’s look at both portions of the words, Rescheck and PDF.

A Rescheck is an energy report created by a United States Department of Energy (DOE) software tool. This tool is called either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop depending on which energy codes you need and what your internet connect ability is. Rescheck calculates the energy efficiency of your home throught the use of a pass or fail score by percentages. The software does a U factor multiplied by the area of your every building assembly on your new construction, addition, or alteration to give you the total UA or heat loss and gain of your structure.

Rescheck vs Comcheck (2024)

A PDF is an abbreviation for a Portable Document Format. This is basically an electronic form of a document that you can send, share, modify, and forward. It was developed by Adobe in the late 19th century. It can be used for text, images, certificates, and ultimately Reschecks. PDFs are easy to use because they can also be printed and easily turned into a paper document as well.

When you combine the two words Rescheck and PDF you get a strong combination of a shareable file that can be used to determine and relay the energy efficiency needs of your construction project. This document allows each person involved the project from the homeowner, architect, engineer, building inspector, sub contractors, and contractors to understand what types of insulation, windows, and insulation materials are needed to meet your climate zones energy codes.

A typical Rescheck PDF would include 3 sections.

Project Data: This includes your jobsite location, what energy code you are using, project square footage, climate zone, architect, contractors, and the name of the project.

Envelope: The envelope section of the Rescheck PDF includes the roof, walls, skylights, windows, doors, and foundation of the home. Also it will show the R value, U value, and SHGC of each component. This is converted to a U Factor which is multiplied by the total area of each component to give you a UA of each section. This UA is compared to a Maximum UA and gives you a Pass or Fail Rescheck score that is shown as percentage.

Rescheck Web versus Comcheck Web (Free Download)

Checklist and Compliance Certificate: This section is typically 7-10 pages and is used by the building department or building inspector to inspect the structure during and after construction to make sure the structure complies with the chosen energy code. At the end of the checklist there is a compliance certificate that is typically placed on the fuse panel or breaker box and signed to show compliance.

Overall, the Rescheck PDF is a great tool to relay your energy code compliance to your building department. It is the preferred method of Rescheck conveyance and many building departments only accept this file format for the submission of the Rescheck report. If your building permit requires a Rescheck PDF or printed Rescheck we can help. You can email your PDF blueprints, jobsite address, and square footage to and we will get you taken care of.

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Rescheck PDF
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Rescheck PDF
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Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, Mozilla, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Adobe, PDF
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Rescheck Portable Document File