
Rescheck Forms

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at the form and format of a Rescheck. Reschecks are created on the softwares of Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop. These softwares are maintained by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). These innovative home energy auditing software solutions allow everyone that has a part in a construction project to be unified on the home energy efficiency front while they complete construction of an addition, alteration, or new construction.

Rescheck Forms

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to look at the form and format of a Rescheck. Reschecks are created on the softwares of Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop. These softwares are maintained by the Department of Energy (DOE) and the Pacific Northwest Laboratory (PNL). These innovative home energy auditing software solutions allow everyone that has a part in a construction project to be unified on the home energy efficiency front while they complete construction of an addition, alteration, or new construction.

What is a Rescheck Form? Quite simply a Rescheck form can be in either an electronic format like PDF or printed on paper as a hard copy. This form contains 3 parts. The project data, the envelope, and the compliance checklist. Each of these parts helps each person with a part in the construction project mesh all areas of energy efficiency into one easy to use and read construction document.

Can I do the REScheck myself?

The project data on a Rescheck form is quite simply the basic data like:

Where a project is located?

What climate zone it is in?

How many square feet is the project?

What is the address of the project?

Who is the architect of the project?

What person or firm will be the general contractor on the project?

Which energy code are you using? (IECC 2009, IECC 2012, IECC 2015, IECC 2018, IECC 2021, IECC 2024, plus many more options)

After you have this data for your Rescheck form, you will move into the envelope section of the Rescheck Form. The information on this portion of the Rescheck is as follows:

What is the structural characteristics of the roof system?

What is the R value of the insulation in the roof?

What is the wall system being constructed of?

What is the R value of the wall’s insulation?

What type of windows are you using?

What is the U value of your windows?

What is the SHGC of your windows?

What types of doors are you using?

What is the U value of your doors?

What is the SHGC of your doors?

What type of foundation are you using?

What is the insulation value of your foundation?

Once this information has been answered in your Rescheck form you will move along to your compliance checklist and certificate section of the Rescheck. This portion contains a fantastic checklist to use when inspecting the structure for energy code compliance. The questions will differ depending on which energy code you are using. For example and IECC 2024 or IECC 2021 may contain differing questions than the IECC 2009 or IECC 2012 compliance checklist and certificate. All the questions have the same goal in mind, energy efficiency. The questions on the checklist deal with the following:

Rescheck Versus Manual J

Are the drawing, sketches or plans sufficient in regards to energy efficiency?

Was the insulation installed correctly?

Are the ducts insulated?

Are pipes with heated liquids insulated?

Do the window specs line up with what was proposed?

What are the HVAC specs of the project?

What are the water heater specs on the project?

Is the foundation insulation installed according to specifications?

Were owners manuals included with the energy efficiency system?

Was the Rescheck Compliance certificate posted at construction completion?

Is the attic hatch insulated?

These are some of the questions each Rescheck Form will answer. Of course there are plenty more. A Rescheck form is a great tool on every construction project to relay the energy efficiency standards that are expected. If you need help with a Rescheck form then email PDF plans, jobsite address, and square footage and we will get you taken care of.

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