Today at the Reschexpert blog, Reshcheck Podcast, and we want to discuss with you the most common Rescheck mistakes we see everyday on the Rescheck help line and also how to fix them.  Making an error on your Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop rescheck report does not have to be the end of the world, but it can be frustrating.  Why not read up on some of the most common Rescheck mistakes people make while creating their own do it yourself Reschecks or ordering from a Rescheck Service.

No Jobsite Address.  One item that you will need for your project is a jobsite address.  We receive plenty of plans with an apparent jobsite address of “planet earth.”  Although we have other ways to get clues about where you are building like your architects address or your phone number without a jobsite address we can usually not begin your project.  The same would go for you if you are a Rescheck homegamer creating your own Rescheck report.  We typically fix this by asking our Rescheck client for their jobsite address and once we get it we can move forward with the project.  In the event that a jobsite address has not been issued by the building department before the Rescheck is due many times the name of the city or town you are building in will suffice.  When the address does come available we offer free lifetime modifications at so we will gladly add it to your report with a smile.  Similar Rescheck services charge upwards of $75 for simple changes to their Rescheck, so beware of sneaky back charges and overage fees on the competitors Rescheck reports that could make the forgotten address on your Rescheck report more costly.

No Square Footage.  Square footage is often forgotten on your plans.  If there is one item that is needed from the building department to the Rescheck Reporter, all the way to the tax assessor’s office it is the square footage.  If you want to go above and beyond include it for each floor.  In regards to your Rescheck report you will need conditioned square footage to place on the front page of a New Construction Rescheck.  Oddly enough for the addition and alteration toggle switch in both Rescheck Web and Rescheck Desktop is not present.  So that may be your one loophole for avoiding needing to have the square footage listed on your plan, but do not rely on it.  Knowing the square footage and having it present on your plans to Reschecked can make sure everyone is on the same page as to the areas that will be conditioned, need to be insulated, and will ultimately be Reschecked by you or

Now we are going to switch gears from the cover-page of Rescheck software and move into some Rescheck envelope mistakes.  The first item we see very often starts at the very bottom of the home.  One of the items in the Rescheck software that has a differing method of calculation is the slab.  The slab is measured from the perimeter in Rescheck where as the other components available for Rescheck foundations are typically measured in square footage.  So simply measure around the conditioned length of the foundation and add that number to the slab section of your Rescheck.  Any attempt to use square footage in the slab portion of your Rescheck could skew your results because instead of a 100 lineal foot slab the Rescheck software is led to believe you have a 1000 (entered as sq ft) lineal foot slab.  So for your next Rescheck be sure to measure around the perimeter of your slab and you can be sure to avoid this common Rescheck mistake.

The next most common mistake we see is people not giving themselves enough time.  The pros here at take about 4-6 hours to create a Rescheck for you and then we deliver back to you hot off the Rescheck press.  We teach classes quite often on how to use the software to building inspectors, state officials, architects, and engineers and we estimate the initial time outlay for learning how to create your first Rescheck correctly is about 10-12 hours.  So to be safe you probably need to alot 4-12 hours of time to thoroughly review your plans and make sure you are taking all the correct information down for your Rescheck.  Rushing through your Rescheck energy report could lead to permit rejections later and ultimately double or triple the amount of time you needed for your Rescheck report creation.  If you do not have the 10-12 hours to generate a Rescheck report we offer an easy use Rescheck service that costs just $79 and can be completed in 4-6 hours.  Just email your plans to and we will do the rest.

We appreciate you reading the Reschexpert blog and if you are looking for a Rescheck to be created for you, why not give us a try.  We take the time to write about all things that have to do with Rescheck in our Rescheck blog and we would be honored to handle your Rescheck for you.  Take a chance and see how easy the process can be.  Simply email your plans to and we will handle the rest.

Common Rescheck Mistakes
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Common Rescheck Mistakes
Common Rescheck Mistakes
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