
Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to show you how to use almost a 15 year old Rescheck software.  We have plenty of interest in Wisconsin Reschecks.  An older version of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code Rescheck actually puts the heat loss data right on the cover page of the Rescheck.  Even though this software has long been retired and marked obsolete there are still building departments in Wisconsin that demand it and will not pass a building permit without a copy of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code using the Rescheck Software that has that was retired.  So as the source for all Rescheck information, we show you how.

Written by Jobe Leonard of Jobe enjoys all things related to Rescheck reporting and the study of home energy audit softwares like Rescheck, Comcheck, and Manual J.

Jobe Leonard

Jobe Leonard

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to show you how to use almost a 15 year old Rescheck software.  We have plenty of interest in Wisconsin Reschecks.  An older version of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code Rescheck actually puts the heat loss data right on the cover page of the Rescheck.  Even though this software has long been retired and marked obsolete there are still building departments in Wisconsin that demand it and will not pass a building permit without a copy of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code using the Rescheck Software that has that was retired.  So as the source for all Rescheck information, we show you how.

First what you want to do is download Rescheck Desktop.  The trick is you are going to need an older version, and I currently do not know where these are located since it so old the download pages have been disabled.  If you have an old laptop or desktop that you used to run Rescheck Desktop on then I would check there first.  Typically it will need to be a version of Rescheck Desktop that is before Rescheck Desktop 4.7.  If you have something that old you might be able to create this needle in haystack Rescheck.

One Caveat before we get started.  A Mac based computer system will not run this type of Rescheck software as it is only supported on PC based systems.  Unless you have a special partition to run your MAC like a PC, but that is a totally different type of Rescheck tutorial for another day.

Wisconsin REScheck

The standard procedures are all the same for this type of Rescheck.  Get a full size set of plans.  Find the square footage of the roof, walls, window, doors, foundation, and skylights.  Enter that data into Rescheck.  Enter the project data onto the front page.

The main difference in this software comes now in that you have a “Loads” tab on Rescheck Desktop.  Click the loads tap and enter your load data from top to bottom.  The click “check compliance”, then click “save” now generate a report.  On the front page of the report in the lower left hand side will be a break down of the “Heating Equipment Sizing Summary”.  This is a function of your climate zone, materials, entered into Rescheck, and the data from the Loads tab of your Rescheck. It includes Loads Summary and General Information.

This concludes our tutorial on generating the Heat Loss Data on the front page of Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code 2009 Rescheck.  If you need a 2009 Rescheck created for Wisconsin simply email your plans, jobsite address, and square footage and we will get you taken care of.


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Wisconsin REScheck and Manual J software
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Rescheck Web, Rescheck Desktop, IECC 2009, Wisconsin Uniform Dwelling Code
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Windows, MAC, Linux, Android, Mozilla, Chrome, Explorer, Safari, Adobe, PDF
Software Category
Home Energy Audit Certification