When I start a Rescheck should I begin with the floor or ceiling?

Today on the Reschexpert blog we want to discuss a situational preference that you might run into while creating your own Rescheck Report using either Rescheck Web or Rescheck Desktop. Many builders, contractors, architects, homeowners, and DIY Rescheck developers are used to building homes that start by digging a foundation and then creating footers.

Is starting your Rescheck from the ground up the correct way to do your Rescheck report?

When starting a Rescheck report for the first time you probably have many questions. One of the easiest to answer is whether you should start at the top of your home or the bottom. We generally see that most plans these days begin with an overview or cover page. Then they move to the foundation, next is floor plans, and finally is elevations of the exterior of the home.

10 Step Rescheck, Can I Have A Rescheck Created For Me?

Due to this natural flow it only makes sense to go with the layout of the blueprint itself and capture the information as it presented to you by the architect, engineer, or draftsman. One tip that will help you immensly is if you demand a full size set of paper plans for every Rescheck you create. Nothing helps us more than having full size sets of plans to comb through the details on each Rescheck we create. Staring a small digital screen to garner minute details can result in errors, ommissions, and many mistakes. So before you settle on which way to notate your construction components for Rescheck be sure to demand a full size set of paper plans before ever getting started. Everyone involved in your construction project will thank you.

Because of the natural flow of blueprints from bottom to top, and the entire on site construction process starting at ground level and “breaking ground” you too should start your Rescheck with the foundation of the home. Then work your way up. It would go like this.

Basement, Slab, Subfloor, or Crawl space

Walls of First Floor, Second Floor, etc





If you follow this easy to use template on each Rescheck that you create your customers, subcontractors, and building officials will all thank you. Having a standardized format on each project will allow everyone involved on each Rescheck to know exactly where to look for each detail as they peruse your Rescheck Report to build you the most energy efficient home possible.

How to Rescheck, Manual J, Manual S, Manual D, Comcheck

We thank you for taking a moment to look at the Reschexpert blog as you get your game plan together to generate your own Rescheck. If you need a Rescheck created for you simply email pdf plans, jobsite address, and square footage to service@rescheck.info and we will get you taken care of.

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When I start a Rescheck should I begin with the floor or ceiling?
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When I start a Rescheck should I begin with the floor or ceiling?
When I start a Rescheck should I begin with the floor or ceiling?
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